Do you have to lie down for the Tao Quantum Experience sessions?
If you are able to lie down, please do so. Many of our participants prefer this position.
If you cannot, you may also sit comfortably during the session.
If you find yourself falling asleep, beautiful. Many find the frequency of this event to be deeply peaceful and rejuvenating.
Here are some tips to prepare for your Tao Quantum Experience™:
- Create a calming environment – get cozy, light a candle or some incense, and get ready to lie down and receive.
- Turn off your phone – remove all distractions and let yourself fully relax for the next hour.
- Get water & a journal for afterwards – sometimes, the energetic shifts can be deep. We like having some water to sip on and keeping a journal nearby to record whatever comes through.
- Click the link to join us live – the doors open 5 minutes before we go live! Make sure you click the link before 12:30pm ET so you can be present for the entire experience.
Enjoy the event!
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